Saturday, October 9, 2010

Fear = Change

So while out for a run the other day I had a pretty big realization about me and my photography, especially the growth of my photography.  I am afraid... of several things, and it is holding me back from reaching the goals I have in my head. 

So what am I afraid of exactly? I wasn’t sure and it took the remainder of my run to figure it out. The multiple facets of my personality have their own fears but it all comes down to the unknown and leaving the comfort zone.  The introvert in me doesn’t want to meet new people in fear of rejection or not pleasing them in some way.  The business person is afraid of not pleasing the customer; having seen my share of unhappy customers as an employee in a retail setting.  I am also afraid of not being disciplined enough to get what needs to get done.  I am afraid of that big step, I know once I step and start to walk then I will be fine, it's the first one that gets me.  All of these fears have been proven not to be an issue in other areas of my life, like teaching, but I still find I am tied in knots trying to move forward.  All of these personas are needed to run my own business, and they need to be in better control for myself but more importantly my potential clients.

Some solutions to this are mentioned in this article, although not the “magic wand” everyone wants, but they resonated with me.  I, for one, need to take it slower and get into a routine of getting out of my comfort zone.  For instance, little things, I run on a trail and go the same way every time.  This past run, maybe the reason for the revelation, I decided to take a shorter run and go the opposite way.  It is still the same, comfortable path, but I am going about it at a different angle.  I am very good about talking the talk but need to walk the walk so I can eventually run the run if you will.

This blog, being another huge step, will be a place to put the new and exciting things that I do to further myself and my photography.  I will share photos, stories, trials and tribulations but  please excuse the writing for now as it will come with time.  Comments are more than welcome as long as they are appropriate to the conversation.


  1. This is a great step, Will + I like the self-awareness theme here. Definitely keep that up in the future and it will help you in everything you take on. =]

  2. I can relate to the fear. I don't want to do 'people' photography, so I don't plan to make a living with my photography. I do have other dreams of working completely from home, combining my blogs, photography sites, and virtual assistant work. THAT is where the fear comes in. So much so, that I don't think I ever will take that step.

  3. Yes Misty, that is what I am trying to overcome. I have these dreams but cant get past the fear. It is possible though, small steps and it will come in time.

  4. You are right, Will. Just as you learned to walk as a young boy.....Small steps. One step at a time. Soon you will be running....a full-time photography business!

    Misty, you too! =)
