Saturday, November 6, 2010

Is This Really my Path?

Starting off with some deep thoughts then some photos!

So, after thinking about what and where I am supposed to be doing in life I think I may have figured it out, at least for now... maybe.  I have talked about doing what I love and after that post and seeing how my work effects me, I feel great and comfortable with the fact that I am not teaching right now.  I am starting to consider a new path for me.  I am in between teaching jobs and can't seem to even land an interview.  Maybe this is a sign to not fight it and let my destiny (cue cinematic music) reveal itself.  I firmly believe that things happen for a reason, I still love teaching but the actual joys I get from teaching are few and far between compared to the politics and stress that goes on in a public school.  Maybe I am just not meant to teach... right now?  Several recent blog posts have also felt like they were directed at me.  This one in particular, Is NOW the Time?, really resonated with me.  I felt like Don (@wizwow) was speaking with me one on one, trying to tell me something big.  Then, Chase Jarvis (@chasejarvis) posted a video from his keynote speech at Photo Plus Expo where he, and a bunch of his friends, talked about their stories and why it is the best time to be a photographer.  Being creative is what I live for and drives me to do more.  I have noticed that in the last few weeks I have been the most creative I have been in a very long time.  I don't know if it coincides with my unconscious decision to embrace my photography and not teach, but I am enjoying it!  So, I have decided not to fight for a teaching job and to put my heart and soul into my photography and my conducting, while working for a great company; Life is good.  This is a hard decision as I am paying off a piece of paper that says Bachelors of Music Education and the expectation that I will teach music, and I am not.  Things change and you have to embrace the change.

Ok I feel better now... So here is a slide show from my latest photo shoot with Slaney.  Enjoy.  Comments always welcome.


  1. It is a sign I think when you fight to either do what you went to school for or (worse, for some) what the world "thinks your supposed to do" yet none of it materializes. Been there. Yet you work on your passion like a true linchpin does and you feel better, know more and things slowly start to fall into place.

    Good for you and hope you enjoy the journey. A creative journey is a hard one but a slowly and surely rewarding one.

    Also your skills and education in the traditional world are not lost. You'll be amazed and surprised how beneficial that learning is to your photography passion and profession. Mine has been for me.

    Godspeed! Create. :)

  2. Thanks Trudy! I really appreciate your kind words. :D
